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Spain prayer times with Azan
"Prayer times in Spain" is a simple application that contains many features and characteristics, including accurate prayer times, morning and evening remembrances, hearing
and reading the Holy Quran, Hijri date, Qibla, Hajj, fasting...
Characteristics and advantages of applying prayer times in Spain:
* Prayer times are accurate with the possibility of modification.
* The Hijri date can be modified.
* Morning and evening remembrances, sleep and waking remembrances, the rosary.
* Reading and listening to the Holy Quran.
* Reminding of fasting Mondays and Thursdays, fasting the days of white, and fasting Ashura.
* Determine Qibla direction
* Fortress of the Muslim
* Prayer times for the current month
* The Most Beautiful Names of God, Zakat Calculation.
* Various religious topics, and about Ramadan and fasting, and about Hajj.
In the event that you choose the automatic search feature, the “Prayer Times in Spain” application uses the GPS system to calculate prayer times, in addition to that this
information is used within the application only and is not collected or shared with anyone.

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