20Words 50 [free]


Obsess with brain teasers word puzzles? Need a helping hand from feeling cynical about life, such as uneasy, over-stressed, empty, lonely, losers, whimpers, quitters, and
its mumbo-jumbo derivatives?
Introducing 20Words, a word puzzles game infused with organic quotes.
- It contains thoughts from various people, the philosophers, geniuses to artists. The blends dated back from BC to recent periods, spanning from East to West. (The way I
put it, indeed it must contain some wicked flamboyant delicacy nutrition.)
- Its genuinely 100% word puzzles. Mean, there are no things like grinding adventures, leveling up characters, upgrading items, or bitter online competitions. It's just
you, a scratchy head, and the riddles.
Well, does it do any good?
At first, you might appear to be wandering around into a relaxing world of words & beauty, solving dozens of nonsense enigmas. However, As 20Words steadily buzzing
about the eloquent from 'virtue of living,' you will begin to look beyond and start revealing its mystical energy. Chill out, solve the puzzles, 'like' some, and make them
as your life-mantra. Perhaps, then your life will change.
Not convinced? Well, I merely summing up why myself got hooked. But, who knows... only time can tell. The one thing I'm sure of, being a free goodie, it seems a bargain of
the millennia.
Other tidbits:
We tested our products to make sure the bugs are out. Nevertheless, during beta version, things might slip out a little. If you encounter issues, just hit the Feedback
button within the app.
Lastly, let us know how "we're doing." Did you know we're thrilled to hear your suggestions?

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