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종류 : 뜨거운 업데이트 다운로드
합계 11950 다운로드 버전

Broken Finger Screen - With this game you can make fun of your friends. Pretend that you can break your phone screen by pushing on it with your finger

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In this game, you can communicate with the cat, he is sure to give you some friendly advice, as you do in a difficult situation! This is the second pa

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A gamebook about the neuroscientist Martin Shepard, who was locked in a secret laboratory, teeming with… zombies! At a critical moment an operator cam

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Hello Friend! We are glad to welcome you in the wonderful world of craft and pixelmons, in which you can learn all the amazing animals - pixelmons. Co

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Battle Simulator Information: Two years after the stickman zombie infestation, the war on zombies continues. Command the troops of the stickmen sombre

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Welcome to this procedurally generated world of blocks, craft and minimons. If you like adventure, exploration, pocket pixelmons, Then this new game -

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Mermaid Secret High School Love Story! Mermaid Princess Games for Girls! OMG! He use the knife to cut Eric's surfboard! I can't believe it. How could

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The kingdom of Marr has been corrupted by an evil sorcerer! You must venture into the depths of the ruins to defeat the evil and restore peace to the

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◆ゲーム説明◆ ■基本 このゲームは7人1組のパーティーを編成し、異変を解決していく東方二次創作の戦略RPGです。 好感度や贈り物などのギャルゲー要素もあります。 エロゲー要素は貴方の目で判断してください。 なお、紳士には優しいですが、ロリコンの皆さんにはかなり厳しいゲームです。 戦闘はほぼオートで

61.58 MB
戰鬥象棋 0.4.2

放置類即時戰鬥象棋策略遊戲。鍛鍊你的象棋兵種,提升戰鬥能力,挑戰更強大的敵軍,運籌帷幄統一全地圖。 * 戰略地圖共24座城市 * AI玩家有平均型及積極型二種策略 * 共有六種不同兵種可以訓練 * 戰鬥型態有近戰型及遠距型 * 兵種有攻擊型及輔助型 * 每一兵種有二種技能 原始程式碼可在此下載: h

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■ 한편의 영화와 같은 스토리와 그래픽! - 게임 중간에 등장하는 시네마틱 영상으로 스토리 몰입도를 높인다! - 화려한 그래픽과 풍부한 스토리를 즐겨라! ■ 다양한 육성시스템으로 더욱 강해져라! - 돌파 시스템을 통해 한계에 도전하라! - 골드 던전, 경험치 던전, 다

25.88 MB

《空之轨迹:羁绊》时隔十年,轨迹迷們的超級福利來了!Falcom官方正版IP授权,本格日系二次元战斗卡牌RPG! 游戏继承原版英雄传说轨迹系列的世界观,根据碧之轨迹的剧情进行延续创造。多系列全明星角色阵容,完美的原著人物造型,各类社交和竞技玩法,一起带你进入回忆的年轮! 【颜即正义】 128名高颜值

86.22 MB

《星界:王冠》是一款日系奇幻冒險MMORPG手機遊戲,背景描述四大王國為了各自理念而互相爭奪女神聖物。玩家必須於四大國度中選擇一個國家為其效力,然後在冒險過程中不斷增強角色實力,並運用智慧去經營領地,最後與其他玩家聯手合作,在國戰中為國家取得勝利! 遊戲特色: ★ 大型國戰 爭奪聖物 成就新世界王者

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※注意※ 本ゲームでは物語の序盤を無料でお楽しみいただけます。以降の本編はアプリ内でご購入いただけます。 お嬢様の弟君が貧乏神にとりつかれてしまった! おかげで家が貧乏になり、多額の借金を抱えてしまう…… 借金を返すため、酒場を開き素材を集めて料理を作るパティアの奮闘劇が始まる!◆食材を集めて料理を

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Translator for Cats - Cat Translator! Game Translator for Cats and Kittens! Say something to your pet and hear the made up translation or pick up a ph

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Future Driving School Simulator 3D 2018 is the best city Traffic car driving simulator that will teach you to drive different cars and partk. This gam

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Drive Boat 3D Sea Crimea Boat Driving Simulator Crimea - have always dreamed of driving and riding on a personal boat on the Black Sea? Would you like

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Aeroplane Games: City Pilot Flight Do you love to play airplane games? Play the role of flight pilot in the exciting aero plane simulated game. Take t

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City Car Driving is the most realistic car simulator in Google Play !! Are you ready to develop your driving skills? Now you can get it for free !!! F

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HELP! These cute little doggies need to be rescued! They are trapped in bubbles. Shoot and match bubbles of the same to release them. Immerse yourself

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