합계 3790 다운로드 버전

V2.20 update: 1. fix compatible issue with Android tablets Come to join free chess game now!Come and join the competition now! The classi

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Jungle! 0.1c

Jungle (鬥獸棋 Dau3 Sau3 Kei4), a.k.a Dou Shou Qi/ Animal Chess is a traditional Chinese board game. The aim of the game is to raid to opponent's lair,

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Doublemill 2 2.7.0.a1867eb

Doublemill 2 brings the world famous nine men's morris game into your hands. Enjoy a modern looking game with precise controls and fluent graphics. Do

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HW Solitaire

★★★★★ "The best Solitaire Excellent version of this classic." Play a beautiful rendition of 10 classic solitaire games with Hardwood Solitaire IV! ★ G

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The Android version of iBridgeBaron, which earned an "A" rating from the American Contract Bridge League Play some serious Bridge with your Android p

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德州扑克 5.9.5

全国最火爆的德州扑克游戏--博雅德州扑克闪亮登场! 还在zynga poker里拼死拼活却总是输么?还在纠结pokerist安卓版的糟糕么?或者愤怒的小鸟这种休闲游戏和小小帝国这种策略游戏才是你的最爱?没关系,来尝试一下风靡欧美的德州扑克游戏吧,绝对会让你有更加刺激,惊险,令人心跳的体验!或

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SanGuoSha 2.9.5

《三国杀online》是一款免费的、原创的、最经典的“杀人”游戏。每局游戏中,玩家将扮演一名三国名将,结合游戏身份,与队友配合“杀”死对手获得胜利。 ——游戏特色—— 【益智杀人】 集三国历史、卡牌、益智、推理、配合等元素于一身的“杀人”游戏,变幻莫测的游戏身份,不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的

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Get ready for a card game that makes all other forms of entertainment look like deadwood: Aces® Gin Rummy! The cards are dealt. You pass on the up-ca

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Magic 2015 1.4.4959

GARRUK'S REVENGE EXPANSION NOW AVAILABLE!Walk in the footsteps of the Multiverse's greatest hunter. Featuring additional campaign levels, challenges,

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Beat all your opponents in Amarillo, become the owner of the Coal Mine and conquer all other 18 cities in Texas.Governor of Poker 2 takes you back to

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Amber Route is a trip to the land of the Slavic beliefs, monsters and magic. In this game full of surprises embark on a dangerous journey leading his

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你熱愛玩德州撲克嗎? 你想與真人隨時隨地進行遊戲嗎? 現在你需要用手機連接網絡就能進行遊戲! 不論你是否了解基礎知識的新手還是資深的撲克高手,都沒關係!你會找到適合你的牌友來盡情遊戲。現在就來加入匯集全球撲克愛好者的俱樂部,一起討論世界上最好的撲克遊戲—德州撲克。

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军棋 1.52

军棋,又名陆战棋,相信大家一定玩过。这是一款界面精美、功能丰富的军棋游戏。1. 支持人机对战,两人对战,联网对战,蓝牙、Wi-Fi联机对战。人机对战可选择多个难度级别。2. 支持翻棋、布局,暗棋、明棋共四种玩法。3. 可以编辑、载入和保存布局,并提供大量预置的参考布局。4. 布局暗棋具有标志对方棋子

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Android四川麻将简介: 四川麻将起源于四川地区,除一般番型外,特色玩法如定缺、刮风下雨、血战到底等,富有别致趣味性。本款四川麻将由中文地区享有盛名的棋牌游戏品牌博雅互动出品,受到热烈好评。 游戏攻略: 1、知己知彼,百战不殆 四川麻将有个非常特色的打法:打定缺。博雅四川麻将专门设置了定

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The most popular Heroes® title of all time is back in HD! Do you remember all those sleepless nights spent fighting Black Dragons and Archangels, Dem

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