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종류 : 뜨거운 업데이트 다운로드
합계 19179 다운로드 버전
GalaxyLive 2.1.5

子供の頃にトランプのカードを使ってやったっきりで 大人になってから一度もやっていない人が多い神経衰弱ゲームです。 記憶力の強化にも役立ちますので、時間が空いた時に気軽にお試しください。 In once and for all that was doing using the trump card

4.94 MB
GiocoMat 2.0.00

Tabelline, successioni, semplici espressioni aritmetiche ed un gioco per due persone sulle tabelline. E' possibile registrarsi per poter inviare i pro

7.52 MB

NOTE! This application is intended for use with Lola's Learning Pack PRO app. You can try out the application two times for free. Lola's Learning Pack

47.45 MB
FiveStone 1.2.1

Traditional Five in a row game. Supports single player and versus mode. ** How to play ** The winner is the first player to get an unbroken row of fiv

16.27 MB

Escape the elephant calf is the escape game, new point and click escape game, free escape games from ajazgames, mother elephant goes to sleep, baby el

10.69 MB
EMONYO 1.1.3

EMONYO is action - puzzle game in which your task is to destroy all enemies, but not by quick reaction, instead of that you have to use your mind. Ene

19.32 MB

Edifice Escape is the new point and click escape game from ajazgames. You and your friends go to ancient temple in India and unaware of the closing ti

10.57 MB

GAME RULES ---------------- Bring back classic game that you played in your childhood but even more fun and challenge with 3 different modes with up t

10.78 MB

Help the smiles to reach each other by removing objects, exploding bombs, and using physics to move the characters. Use your logic, removing order is

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Educational games/puzzle activities for toddlers and preschool children.To teach your toddlers shapes & colors using vegetable/fruit and other real li

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This chess course is aimed at club and intermediate players and presents the theory and playing hooks in the most sharp and deciding variations of the

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Game reminiscent of classic arcade games where you have to put the pieces falling making them rotate to leave no gaps, complete lines that disappear.

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NOTE: Game graphic in style of doodle, game view can only horizontally scrolled. if you could not bear it,do not try this game:) FEATURES: All weapons

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"1080" is a cool game with simple interfaces and easy playing. You could move color blocks on 4x4 grid panel to get score. If there are at lease two o

18.28 MB

Create the perfect Island! Pick up fruits, find hidden items and restore the Island to its former glory. Roast marshmallows over a campfire, become pa

137.82 MB

남녀노소 누구나 친숙한 윷놀이를 실제 사람과 대전하고 있는 듯한 느낌으로 긴장감 넘치는 게임진행이 가능합니다. 윷놀이의 모든 규칙이 완벽하게 구현되어 있고 2인 대전뿐만 아니라 온라인 대전이 가능한 유일한 윷놀이! [게임 특징] 1:1 풀 네트워크 온라인대전 제공. 옆

16.66 MB

■ゲーム ルールは簡単。盤面の空のマス目にリストから漢字を選んで意味を持つ言葉になるように埋めていく漢字詰めクロスワードです。ヒントを頼りにマス目を埋めていく普通のクロスワードと違い、漢字の知識や語彙力だけでなく、ひらめきも必要としパズルの初心者からベテランの方まで幅広く楽しめ、解き甲斐のあるパズル

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◆ゲームの目的◆ 全てのパネルを表にひっくり返して、かわいい猫の画像を完成させましょう。     ◆遊び方◆ カーソル(光)の上下左右をタップすると、カーソルが移動します。 ただしキャンセル(来た方向に戻る)を除いて、一度通った場所には行けません。 カーソルが移動するとその両脇のパネルがひっくり返り

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ケータイで人気の公式パズルサイト「懸賞パズルパラダイス(懸賞パズパラ)」のパズル問題を楽しめるAndroidアプリ「パズルパラダイス」シリーズ! パズルファンの間でジワジワと人気上昇中(!?)のパズル「ループコース」の第2弾! 数字をヒントに点と点を結ぶ線を引いて、盤面内に大きな輪(ループ)をつくろ

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Best word search and word puzzle game. You will get a set of random alphabets and you need to make words by using those alphabets your score will depe

27.61 MB