합계 86785 다운로드 버전

Finding Love Room Escape is a new online entertainment point and click type game developed by the zoozoogames. The old man has visited his old abandon

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Hangman 1.1

Hangman是傳統的拼字遊戲,電腦系統會提供提示讓小朋友猜字。 遊戲有5次機會,每答錯一次就會用粉筆畫出小人的一部份,畫好後就算“上吊”了,遊戲結束。 Created by Thomas

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Книга загадок - это более ста уровней разнообразных загадок и ребусов с ответами. Сможете ли вы разгадать их все? В игре есть три книги - загадки, реб

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A Szókirakós egyeértelmúen mókás és színesen megjelenített játék. - Jellemzők - ★ Különböző kategóriákat a különböző hangulatok! ★ Korlátlan szabadsza

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Vyzkoušejte svoje znalosti ve hře Milionář Premium, která obsahuje více než 1000 otázek z témat jako věda, technika, literatura, historie, zeměpis, ve

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Children police fake callpolice children through the stress on the children through the representation that you speak with the policeman claims he po

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One beginning - Four endings. This is a game with Hungarian compound words. It's a great opportunity for those who are learning Hungarian, as it can h

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Emoji Quiz Pro It is the ultimate guessing game on Android! With over 100 puzzles and growing. Emoji Quiz tests your guessing skills to solve Emoji pu

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Simply swap and match 3 or more same sweet cookie, win awesome prizes and enjoy the combo epic reaction of the link. When there’s unique & special coo

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Toy Crush Mania is new generation of Match 3 game. It's an exciting release from a team of top hit game app makers . Play the blast & crush of the chi

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New and funny Tic Tac Toe game for children and adults, a game of intelligence is one of the oldest games on Google Play Store, but today I offer you

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Cupcake Cooking is a fantastic game! Bake, decorate and gift wrap these mouth watering treats. Kids can be the master of their very own cafe, make you

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Do you love fruits.Fruits are the essential in our life.The Game where your will and creativity will be on test.Swap and slide lovely Fruits on the bo

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Lone Lizard Simulator 3D An angry lizard simulator that makes people lives hard. It carries an ax and terrorizes the community. Lizards are nice but t

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Vampire Bats are Ferocious Beast. Be a Giant bat in this game Vampire Bat Rampage Simulator Details: • Rush charge and move like a True Vampire Bat. •

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India Kids Puzzles - 12 Indian & Hindu Jigsaw Puzzles for kids and toddlers An easy fun and friendly kids app for preschool kids with Indian and Hindu

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Hỏi Ngu Hài Hước - hoi ngu - hỏi ngu - hại não tuyển phẩm siêu hại não Vỡi những câu hỏi ngu, câu đố hại não được đúc kết từ hàng ngàn thánh troll trê

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Do you like classical puzzle games ? Do you want to match an photos of LORD SHIVA ? Does your son or daughter likes puzzle games and ability games and

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[Giới thiệu] Lấy ý tưởng từ gameshow nổi tiếng ai là triệu phú trên truyền hình. Đi Tìm Triệu Phú 2018 là trò chơi kiểm tra kiến thức hiểu biết chung

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Millionaire Game Quiz is based on the famous Game Show TV-Millionaire. It is not only the awesome game to entertain but also is a huge treasure of kno

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