Inspire Cinema 1.14.0 [free]


Afiseaza programul filmelor din cinematograful Inspire Cinema din Craiova. Permite rezervarea si cumpararea de locuri pentru spectacolele din program
direct de pe telefonul mobil. Prezinta detalii despre filmele care ruleaza in cinematograf, ofera posibilitatea de a vizualiza tarilere si recomandarea saptamanii. Meniul
"Astazi in cinema" va permite sa alegeti cu usurinta filmul la care puteti merge in functie de ora curenta. Rezervarile pot fi adaugate in calendarul telefonului in
vederea alertarii sau pot fi trimise notificari prietenilor, prin retelele de socializare, direct din aplicatie.

Inspire program displays movies in cinema Cinema in Craiova. It allows you to reserve and purchase seats for the shows in the program directly from your
mobile phone. It shows about movies running in the cinemas, offering the ability to view and recommendation tarilere week. The "Today in cinema" allows you to easily
choose the movie that you can go according to the current time. Bookings can be added in the phone's calendar to alert or notification can be sent to friends through
social networks directly from the application.

이전 버전

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  • 앱 이름: Inspire Cinema
  • 종류: 엔터테인먼트
  • 앱코드: ro.inspirecinema
  • 버전: 1.14.0
  • 요구 사항: 4.0.3이상
  • 파일 크기 : 3.65 MB
  • 업데이트: 2020-04-06