Dual SIM Selector 2.9.0 [free]


Dual SIM Selector allows selection of SIM-card when making a call from a third-party dialers
- support for most devices with two and three SIM-cards
- support for most third-party dialers
- automatic selection of SIM-card based on the rules
- rules based on phone masks and association with contacts
- learning mode to adjust the rules when making the call
- customization of name and image for SIM-cards
- support Dual SIM
This is a fully functional trial version, with a 3 day trial period.

이전 버전

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  • 앱 이름: Dual SIM Selector
  • 종류: 커뮤니케이션
  • 앱코드: net.pixelrush.dualsimselectortrial
  • 버전: 2.9.0
  • 요구 사항: 4.0.3이상
  • 파일 크기 : 2.41 MB
  • 업데이트: 2018-04-26