Undiknas Mobile 4.1.6 [free]


Undiknas Mobile adalah aplikasi mobile yang digunakan sebagai media promosi dan informasi dari Undiknas University kepada masyarakat umum, calon mahasiswa
Undiknas, mahasiswa Undiknas dan alumni Undiknas.
Fitur Aplikasi :
Calon Mahasiwa
- Pendaftaran Calon Mahasiswa Baru melalui aplikasi mobile
- Pengenalan Program Studi dan Kurikulum
- Cek Tagihan dan Konfirmasi Pembayaran
- Informasi Login mahasiswa akan disosialisasikan dalam waktu dekat
- Krs Online (Coming soon)
- Khs Online
- Jadwal Kuliah
- Kalender Akademik (Coming soon)
Cyber Team Undiknas:
- Ngakan Kutha Krisnawijaya
- I Gusti Ngurah Darma Paramartha
- Gede Humaswara Prathama
- Gde Made Novan Priambhada

Undiknas Mobile is a mobile application that is used as a medium of promotion and information of Undiknas University to the general public, prospective
students Undiknas, students and alumni Undiknas Undiknas.
Application Features:
prospective Students
- New Student Admission through mobile applications
- Introduction Program and Curriculum
- Check Billing and Payment Confirmation
College student
- Student Login Information will be communicated in the near future
- Krs Online (Coming soon)
- KHS Online
- Course schedule
- Academic Calendar (Coming soon)
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Cyber ​​Team Undiknas:
- Ngakan Kutha Krisnawijaya
- I Gusti Ngurah Darma Paramartha
- Gede Humaswara prathama
- Gde Made Novan Priambhada
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이전 버전

Free Download QR 코드에 의해 다운로드
  • 앱 이름: Undiknas Mobile
  • 종류: 교육
  • 앱코드: com.cyber.undiknas
  • 버전: 4.1.6
  • 요구 사항: 5.1이상
  • 파일 크기 : 14.29 MB
  • 업데이트: 2019-06-03