Scrabble - Lettres Chères 3.0 [free]


Click on one of the letters J, K, Q, W, X, Y or Z to display all 2 to 5 letter words that contain this letter at least once. Then, it is possible to click on a second letter
to see all the words from 3 to 7 letters containing at the same time the two letters chosen. For example, clicking at the top of the screen on "J", then "K" at the bottom of
the screen will display all 3 to 7 letter words containing a J and a K (JERK, KANJI, ...) . The words displayed are those referenced by the latest version of the official
dictionary of the game, namely the ODS8, in force from 01/01/2020.

이전 버전

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  • 앱 이름: Scrabble - Lettres Chères
  • 종류: 라이브러리 및 데모
  • 앱코드: com.appybuilder.jplouis33.Lettres_Cheres_Scrabble
  • 버전: 3.0
  • 요구 사항: 10이상
  • 파일 크기 : 8.54 MB
  • 업데이트: 2023-10-16