홈페이지 > 건강/운동

종류 : 뜨거운 업데이트 다운로드
합계 21268 다운로드 버전
Pedometer 1.7.8

Go hiking using the Pedometer! It will mark your steps, time, distance, and even your lost calories during your walk!

3.12 MB
BodyShape 1.1

Am I fat? Am I slim? With Body Shape you can discover your BMI and know if you are on ideal weight. How to use it: -Type your height, weight and age -

534.91 KB
Air Hockey 1.0.2

Enjoy all of your favorite moments with the No.1 exciting and fast paced table sports game, Air Hockey! Easy to play, but hard to master. Challenge yo

21.36 MB

This program will help You to find out an Ideal weight and Optimal fat percentage by calculating Body Mass Index (BMI) and percentage of body fat. Cal

2.5 MB
EasyBMI 2.0.0

BMI = Body Mass Index For a given height, BMI is proportional to mass. THIS APPLICATION (EASY BMI) IS A SIMPLE CALCULATOR OF BMI. This is the latest B

140.66 KB
BMI Cal 1.2

Body Mass Index (BMI) is an easy-to-calculate measure of obesity based on the ratio of your weight and your height. Your BMI "number" will inform you

2.9 MB

This APP is the first free software application designed and developed to offer to the general public and to the emergency services and safety conside

7.71 MB
SenssunFood 1.02.008

Software introduction: Application can use BLE to transmit data with electronic nutrition scale, is a healthy diet life good helper. The user can be r

19.45 MB

Regular mental exercise is the best way increase and stimulate your brainpower and improve your memory. Top Brain Training Effects is a simple app tha

3.76 MB

Indicators of dependence is the mobile tool that lets you calculate the principal functional values, psychoaffective and socio-familiar of the users o

3.18 MB

Dr. Hennie Bosch is an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in trauma, hip and knee arthroplasty, adult hip problems, hip arthroscopy and femur-acetabul

5.95 MB

 ゴルフはメンタルスポーツ・・・ あるいは、メンタル7割技術3割のスポーツと言われていますが、プロの試合を見ていても、成る程・・・と思われる部分が有りますよね、メンタル面に大きく影響するのが、事前の準備です。  このアプリは①マナー ②ゴルフ用語 ③ティーグランド ④スルーザグリーン ⑤ウォーターハ

7.74 MB

Weight Conscious? By using this BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index Calculator) you can find your waist-to-height ratio and body fat percentage. Know your

465.2 KB

Epilepsie Tagebuch Sie leiden an Epilepsie und benötigen eine zuverlässige Möglichkeit, Ihre Anfälle aufzuzeichnen? Probieren Sie unser Epilepsie Tage

2.95 MB

Aplicación oficial del Mesón Guadalquivir. En ella podrás ver: · la carta del Mesón Guadalquivir · valoraciones de otros usuario · juegos interactivos

18.03 MB
Teslawatch 1.4.1

Умный браслет Teslawatch – персональный помощник для ведения активного и здорового образа жизни. Приложение Teslawatch предназначено для работы с брас

27.7 MB

HB헬스케어는 홈케어 의료기기 전문업체로 가정용 인공호흡기, 양압기를 전문취급하며 희귀난치질환, 중증 장애인을 위한 원스톱 맞춤 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. ---- 개발자 연락처 : 070-8733-0586

4.44 MB


6.82 MB
MSMOC 1.0.1

Mississippi Sports Medicine is uniquely qualified to treat orthopaedic problems and the athletic injury with sub-specialized expertise utilizing the l

12.01 MB

The Health Risk Finder is a simple application that help you maintain your weight by calculating BMI,WHR & BMR and you can also find your health risk

311.28 KB