합계 20433 다운로드 버전

"MPSC TOPPERS"ने सुरु केलेल्या ब्लॉगला मिळालेल्या उत्कृष्ट प्रतिसादामुळे आणि स्पर्धा परीक्षांचा अभ्यास करणाऱ्या प्रत्येक विद्यार्थ्यापर्यंत पोहचण्यासा

5.65 MB
IPA Keyboard 1.0.9

IPA Keyboard is the most comprehensive phonetic symbol keyboard around! - Type IPA for US English for free. - 300+ IPA extension, obsolete, and non-st

1.77 MB

수학 교육의 스마트한 동반자! 매쓰플랫의 학원앱(학부모/학생)입니다. 사용자가 앱을 다운로드받아 실행하면 학원 데이터베이스에 등록된 전화번호에 따라 자동으로 학부모/학생 앱으로 연결됩니다. 학부모님은 자녀의 출결 내역, 학습 상황, 보고서, 코멘트 등을 앱을 통해 실시

7.12 MB

Rajasthan Geography GK contains Important Questions and Notes of Rajasthan GK in Hindi. Rajasthan GK plays a vital role in competitive exams held by R

5.44 MB

Ahmedabad Municipal School Board Smart School Initiative. Application is part of smart school program http://www.amsbsmartschool.org

5.86 MB
nani 1.45


36.29 MB

Aptitude master is the best app for preparing aptitude, logical reasoning, verbal ability and Basic computer knowledge for any competitive exams. Apti

4.03 MB
西语助手 6.8.4

《西班牙语助手》Android版 - 拥有与桌面版相同容量的词库。包括西汉-汉西词典、西班牙语近义词词典、西班牙语专业词典以及西西、西英等大量词库 - 轻松查变位,支持西语所有十九种变位形式以及变位反查功能 -西语单词真人发音 - 完善的生词本、历史记录功能 - 智能西语字符纠正,解决西语字符输入问

21.99 MB

Android application offers great math lessons for the first grade kids. This application eliminates the suffering in teaching your child as it makes h

21.66 MB

✴ One of the oldest programming languages, the FORTRAN was developed by a team of programmers at IBM led by John Backus, and was first published in 19

5.79 MB

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ve 12. Sınıf Öğretmenleri için kazanımların tamamı Almanca, Arapça, Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri, Beden Eğitimi, Bilg

9.87 MB
CET Social 2.3.6

CET Social is a collection of mock tests (quizzes) for those preparing for admission to medical or engineering (UG courses). The quizzes are unique in

3.61 MB

This program is designed for those who want to learn interesting mathematical tricks to speed up the calculating. These tricks will help solve part of

4.47 MB

ACHTUNG! FS Theorie ist nur mit einem gültigen Account deiner Fahrschule aktivierbar, versichere dich vor dem Download, das du einen gültigen Zugang d

3.6 MB

Railway group D is specially for those students who are going to take part in upcoming railway group d exam 2018. This app is really helpful for railw

10.48 MB

قواعد اللغة الفرنسية أهم قواعد اللغه الفرنسيه،المهمة لكل طالب علم مهتم بتعلم اللغة الفرنسية. استعمال قواعد اللغة الفرنسية،شرح قواعد. أكثر القواعد إستع

22.93 MB

This application can help you to calcultate between two number and Three Number and show how to find HCF and LCM in detail. HCM support finding factor

2.67 MB
Drawing 1.1.3

A drawing application designed for young children. You can choose color, undo, save image, share image, etc...

2.82 MB

Here is maths formulas pack for all android users. This app has 1000+ math formula and more to come. Now no need to make paper notes to remember mathe

4.66 MB

INDIA's MOST POPULAR Educational App. Trusted by over 2.5 Million Users."making education FREE and accessible to ALL" ____Why use NCERT Books – FREE L

4.67 MB