합계 20433 다운로드 버전

English to English dictionary is a free english dictionary and offline dictionary with definitions. English to English dictionary is the android app t

19.86 MB

مجموعة من الجمل الإنجليزية شائعه الاستخدام مترجمة للعربية يحتوي هذا التطبيق على أكثر الجمل والكلمات الانجليزية المهمة والمستخدمة بكثرة ، حيث يمكنك تقو

3.51 MB

Track your Children's Progress, Attendance, Homework, Fees Details and Much More Smartway Study - India Best Parents/Student to School Commutations Ap

14.27 MB

An Official Android App for RIJADEJA.com (Gujarat's first and No. 1 educational website) Features: • Start your exam preparation through your mobile.

21.89 MB

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a student and are looking for our highly acclaimed FREE APP - please download here - http://bit.ly/2sCLANZ Oust helps your emp

10.75 MB

Let your kids improve the learning ability with the collection of best Educational games designed for toddlers, preschool kids, Kindergarten and prima

57.16 MB

DIGIMKEY-Parent is Parent Mobile app for effective communication with the institution. Parent can view their child attendance records, assignment / ho

4.19 MB

Are you fed up with spending hours searching for baby names without ever agreeing with your spouse? Do you hate spending time scouring websites? Want

25.71 MB

■ Combien de fois regardez-vous votre téléphone par jour? En moyenne, vous regardez votre téléphone 100 fois par jours, et vous le débloquez environ 5

33.94 MB

Call it Intelligence test, IQ test, aptitude test, or psychometric test, they are used in schools, admission exams, and job interviews to assess the a

10.63 MB

This version is only for Project UPER participants (Rajasthan) as well as for Employees of Partner Organizations and Businesses. You will need an acce

27.01 MB

Wake up and get ready! There are lots of things to do in Sweet Home Stories! A fun and safe educational doll house game for kids, about daily life in

34.51 MB

Scoala auto - Chestionare auto DRPCIV Ia permis de conducere din prima! Aplicatia "Scoala Auto" iti ofera posibilitatea unei pregatiri complete pentru

24.86 MB

Learn Korean Language is an education app that offers to teach you Korean through fun games, beginner and intermediate learn to speak and read Korean

15.25 MB

Learn Japanese with LuvLingua Begin the learning experience already enjoyed by over 2 million language learners.LuvLingua education apps teach you to

17.4 MB

You are in charge of this daycare, a small and fully interactive world where everyone is welcomed and the only rule is to use your imagination to crea

35.29 MB

Lingualeo is an interactive service for learning and practising English created specially for your Android device suitable for both adults and childre

80.68 MB

This helpful app will help you listen to English and speak English more fluently. There are many lessons divided into many levels from elementary to i

16.19 MB

Snap Homework App! A tool for teachers that makes communicating with their classroom community (parents and students) easier than ever for homework (H

25.74 MB

Jolly Phonics Lessons provides resources and lesson plans to teach phonics lessons. Using a synthetic phonics approach, Jolly Phonics teaches children

21.53 MB