합계 20433 다운로드 버전

Universo em Movimento - O aplicativo que aproxima (ainda mais) pais, alunos e Escola Universo! Nossa ferramenta oficial de comunicação. Simples, ágil

35.9 MB

SUPER GENIUS 32 is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a use

30.63 MB
MyHEC - Students App 3.2.19.d6e6429978

MyHEC main features Timetables – view your course timetables Grades – have a look to your grades Library – view your Library account, books available,

30.83 MB

Learn Italian with free lessons daily. Let Mondly teach you the Italian language quickly and effectively. In just minutes you’ll start memorizing core

35.51 MB

The official Marlborough Public Schools app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and infor

28.26 MB

Tittle Parental Control is a screen time and parental control app to help parents manage their child's device usage and monitor their location remotel

72.89 MB

STEAM+E_스팀에 감성을 더한 융합형 수학 교육! ‘톡톡 3D 수학’은 종이책을 벗어나 영상으로 직접 학습하는 교육용 어플리케이션입니다. 재미있는 3D 입체 영상 학습을 스마트폰이나 태블릿 PC에서 만나 보세요. ‘톡톡 3D 수학’은 종이책에서 보고 들을 수 없는

49.15 MB

El nuevo Canal de Comunicación entre los Centros Escolares y las Familias. El Centro enviará Circulares, notificaciones, recordatorios, alertas, pdf,

7.21 MB

An educational app to teach your kids English Alphabet, Phonics, Vocabulary words and Word formation. To teach your kindergartener Letters, phonics, W

41.52 MB

With these Pharmacology Flashcards in your toolkit, preparing for the USMLE or pharmacology boards will be a breeze! As life rushes by, optimize your

27.55 MB

Control the child activities on the computer from your cell phone. Download the windows PC setup from: http://www.controlim.com/web/ Why use it? - If

6.12 MB

Please note that we do not have > Tamil > English medium papers at the moment MCQ questions are crucial in every competitive exam. “Examiner” app is a

22.72 MB
SPE EM 1.4.3

Os Livros Didáticos Digitais do Sistema Positivo de Ensino reúnem o conteúdo escolar do Ensino Médio em uma versão interativa e oferecem a alunos e pr

47.26 MB
AnkiSnap 3.0.3


86.48 MB
CUCBA 1.0.8

La App Cucba te ayudará a mantenerte informado con las últimas noticias del centro, ver videos relacionados a tu vida estudiantil, revisar tus calific

6.74 MB

PCAT Exam Preparation, PCAT Video Crash Courses, PCAT Practice Tests, PCAT Questions, PCAT Resources and more! Want to Get Accepted into Pharmacy Scho

26.07 MB

Learn English with the World’s Best Videos and Tutors. Tap install to get free access to over 10,000 videos designed to help you improve your English

81.93 MB

The Ancient Origins App for Android puts history, archaeology, mystery, and science at your fingertips. Redesigned for New & Existing Users Ancient Or

6.63 MB

Play, Learn and Speak – discover common phrases for daily Traditional Chinese conversation! ✔ 5,000 useful phrases for conversation. ✔ Learn Tradition

50.22 MB

Quran Reading wishes you All a Very Happy and Blessed Ramadan 2017 Urdu Quran is a smart android application, which is intended for Urdu speaking peop

49.09 MB