합계 20433 다운로드 버전

WebPedia provides a huge collection of fresh content for learners & knowledge seekers. Britannica is a comprehensive encyclopedia that is published in

1.72 MB

Did you know? To score in the 90th percentile of most standardized tests and certifications, you often only need to master 70% of the skills. Meet Ace

9.76 MB

Unlock the secrets of art history! Discover Art Explora Academy, a 100% free online platform for learning and testing your knowledge on the history of

5.97 MB

ANIL HANDWRITING FOUNDATION is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner.

30.57 MB

This app is specially designed for Longwood Preparatory Academy families and staff. It will allow you to access the most important information regardi

29.63 MB
HSPS 3.0.0

This app is specially designed for High School for Public Service families and staff. It will allow you to access the most important information regar

5.77 MB
Uni-Player 2.0.6

Uni Player는 다양한 책을 권 단위로 내려받을수 있습니다. 원하는 책을 이용하여 효과적인 학습을 진행할수 있도록 다양한 액티비티들을 지원합니다. ▶ 핵심기능 전자펜 연동 학습 화면 녹화기능 다양한 유형의 학습 프로그램 개발자 : 유니메이션코리아(주) +82070

99.17 MB

كورس ‏اوتوكاد ‏للمبتدئين ‏مجانا مع كتب كثيره خطوه بخطوه لتتعلم الرسم بواسطه الاوتوكاد سيتم تحديث المحتوى شهريا Free Autocad course for beginners wit

23.42 MB

Bridge the gap between home and school with the St Joseph's Nudgee College app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about St Joseph's

5.2 MB

"나에게 딱 맞춘 일대일 영어, 중국어, 일본어 화상 회화" 개인에게 맞춘 서비스가 늘어나는 지금, 왜 외국어는 맞춤 수업이 없을까? 이제까지 우리에겐 늘 언어 공부가 숙제같이 느껴졌어요. 기존의 교육은 단순 문법이나 단어 암기에 그치거나 정해진 교재만 따라가는 획일화

23.37 MB

Hoepli Link enables you to explore the multimedia content associated to books by simply framing a page with your smartphone or tablet! The app tracks

27.29 MB

Azad RPSC Academy Unit Of Azad Group is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparen

103.16 MB

「キョログラミング」は、チョコボールの粒とパッケージをつかい、かんたんにプログラミング体験ができるアプリです。 チョコボールの粒・パッケージを読み込み、キョロちゃんに「こうどう」をおぼえさせることができます。 キョロちゃんがおぼえた「こうどう」をプログラミングすることで、さまざまキョロちゃんに進化し

91.95 MB

رواية طفلة تزوجت قاسي هي رواية مصرية جديدة رمنسية فيها عبر يتألم القلب ولا يجد له محتضن، يتعب الشعور ولا يسأل عنه مطمئن، نعيش الحياة مشتتين، ومع أنفسن

3.78 MB

George Washington Westmoreland, Virginia, América Británica, 22 de febrero de 1732-Mount Vernon, Virginia, Estados Unidos, 14 de diciembre de 1799) fu

9.66 MB
Accounts Villa

Start learning with us

151.64 MB
ABC Education

Right from understanding the topics to clearing the exam, we offer you a one-stop solution for all your learning needs. Now learn with us, uninterrupt

30.33 MB

◆The new version 2020, DELE exam preparation for smartphones! Improve your Spanish level dramatically by using it in your spare time! ◆Include 1 pract

21.54 MB

SISAP Học sinh là ứng dụng mobile của phần mềm EMIS Ôn tập (thành phần của hệ sinh thái giáo dục số MISA EMIS) đáp ứng cho nhu cầu ôn tập, kiểm tra tr

53.4 MB
VOLP 1.1

O sistema de busca do Vocabulário Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa, quinta edição, 2009, contém 381.000 verbetes, as respectivas classificações gramat

18.39 MB