합계 20433 다운로드 버전

PowerPoint Slide Remote is a simple but professional remote control for a better presentation! You will be able to start, stop, forward and backward y

5.08 MB

Asthra is St. Joseph College of Engineering and Technology's Annual Technical Festival The Event application for 2015 Asthra will Enable participants

5.81 MB

The application University of Retail Sales (UVV) facilitates an agile access and practice the TV Retail, library HI SELLS COMMUNICATING / HI KNOWS, en

32.71 MB

Interesting Facts: Countries – learn unusual and exciting facts about countries. The best of them collected in one app! - Share facts with your friend

8.45 MB
NCS Training 0.0.2

NCS.Training은 능력중심사회 구현에 일조하고자 직업기초능력 개발에 필요한 교육프로그램을 NTEB인증시험 응시자에게 무료로 제공하고 있으며, 언제 어디서든 학습이 가능할 수 있도록 국내 최고의 온라인교육 환경과 기술을 구축하고 있습니다. 1. NCS.Traini

6.52 MB

ABC Siri Hamza Belajar membaca interaktif ABC, alfabet tracing , phonics lagu dengan aplikasi Prasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anak permainan untuk

6.64 MB

ABC Siri Hamza Nombor Bilangan Belajar membaca interaktif ABC, alfabet tracing , phonics lagu dengan aplikasi Prasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anak

6.52 MB

تطبيق تعليم السياقة بلمغرب يوفّر لك تجربة محاكاة اسئلة الحاسوب في امتحان السياقة للحصول على رخصة السياقة " البيرمي". لا داعي بعد الآن الى استخدام حاسو

37.32 MB


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7.65 MB

KUHP (Kitab Undang Undang Hukum Pidana) Aplikasi KUHP lengkap buku kesatu, buku kedua dan buku ketiga Akses offline tanpa internet

2.99 MB

FREE HTML5 VIDEO TUTORIALS Learn html5, the web programming language of the future and become a better web designer. This app contains easy to underst

2.11 MB

Learn DreamWeaver For PC Mac proprietary web development tool developed by Adobe Systems. Dreamweaver was created by Macromedia in 1997 and was mainta

11.22 MB
HTML 5 2.0

Learn HTML5 in a greatly improved learning environment with more lessons, real practice opportunity, and community support. Learning HTML5 can be a ve

6.82 MB

WW1 War Gratuity calculation tool for estimation of service dates using the WW1 soldiers effects records.

1.51 MB

Aplikasi Rangkuman Materi Kelas 6 SD ini memuat Rangkuman-rangkuman Pelajaran SD kelas 6, seperti 1. Pelajaran Pelajaran PKN 2. Pelajaran Bahasa Indon

6.72 MB
UNSMA2017 11.1

Ayo persiapkan diri kamu sebelum Ujian Nasional 2018 dan Untuk Masuk ke Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) Favorit kalian, agar Tidak menyesal dikemudian h

7.77 MB

নষ্ট মেমরি কার্ড ঠিক করার উপায়। তথ্য আদান প্রদান করার সময় ফোনের মেমোরি কার্ড হঠাৎ খুলে নেওয়া হলে বা কোনো ভাবে সংযোগ বিছিন্ন হলে সেটি ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হয়

1.8 MB

Experience an authentic trench from the First World War in virtual reality. See and hear the trench in this amazing virtual museum designed to be expl

53.11 MB

During the First World War an array of different gases were used by the Germans and Allied Forces to combat one another. Although gases did not kill a

1.62 MB