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종류 : 뜨거운 업데이트 다운로드
합계 294712 다운로드 버전

Financial Accounting Terms and Glossary for students. Easy and Searchable terms for Financial Accounting. Get to know these all essential terminology

2.57 MB

Mobile APP “Ganga Shravan Abhiyaan” is a combination of Mobile APP with Web Portal which provides an interface to citizens to provide their valuable s

6.63 MB

-zeigt die Wetter - Satellitenbilder für Deutschland aus dem freien Teil des dwd-server (Deutscher Wetterdienst) animiert an, Slider zum vor- und rück

2.95 MB

Financial accounting is a specialized branch of accounting that keeps track of a company's financial transactions. Using standardized guidelines, the

3.03 MB

Basic Lessons of Accounting are the discussion topics of this app. The topics of Basic Accounting are: a. Introduction to Accounting 1. Accounting 2.

4.74 MB

Mit der Android-App "Pegelstände Passau" wollen wir den Bewohnern der Drei-Flüsse-Stadt Passau Daten zu den Pegeln von Donau, Inn und Ilz in einer für

2.49 MB

The Android Mobile Phone Application is a tool for the biological assessment of surface water bodies and training purposes for the people who monitor

7.87 MB

Our mission is to empower every student with best possible skill and information they require for CSIR-UGC. Academic integrity and accountability is o

5.77 MB

iPhoneで人気の立体音響アプリがAndroidにも登場しました! ステレオヘッドフォン(※)を装着、立体録音部を起動、再生開始。あたかも耳元に、頭の上に、後ろに誰かがいるかのような臨場感を感じることができます。 どうせ無料、ちょっと不思議なバイノーラル録音の世界を体験してみませんか? ※…たまに

37.47 MB

Simple Weather is an application of weather forecasts. The application is simple and uncluttered, there are no superfluous data. Choose your location

1.95 MB

사용자의 주위 상황을 영상, 소리, 위치 등으로 정확히 파악하여 관계부처 도움자에게 응급상황을 실시간 전달하고 도움을 받을 수 있는 어플리케이션입니다. ---- 개발자 연락처 : +82 02 6124 5663

21.06 MB

Just want to check the weathers but not want to be annoyed? Love the material design but hate several useless functions? Hope to check weathers of mul

5.84 MB
AFCEA 365 15.7.4

AFCEA: Bringing Government and Industry Together Since 1946 AFCEA is a 501 (c)(6) non-profit international organization that serves its members by pro

9.18 MB

なつめさん(黒猫)の声を集めただけのアプリです。 飼っている猫や野良ちゃんに聞かせると「あれ?こいつ猫なん?」って顔をして面白いです。 または敵地への潜入とかで音を立てちゃった時に「ニャーン」と鳴らせば「なんだ、猫か」となるでしょう(自己責任でね)。 わりとよくしゃべる猫なので、色んな声が入ってます

9.84 MB

When you want to share, such as SNS and others the page you are currently viewing in the browser, insert the page title simply by starting the app fro

2.43 MB

1.2 - Sometimes the weather does not appear the problem has been fixed. 1.1 - Help Activity changes the full screen. - Touch on the notification bar b

1.46 MB

This alarm app provides Korean weather information.

1.65 MB
Fieldly 2.0.73

Say goodbye to unnecessary administration, low productivity and lost paperwork! Fieldly is the digital project management tool specially designed and

33.11 MB

Flash Browser is an App with light, fast and smart. You can enjoy a quick speed and an excellent experience.

1.58 MB

PASS YOUR EXAM IN THE FIRST TRY WITH THE FOLLOWING REASONS: +) BREAK hundreds of practice questions and flashcards INTO small sets +) MASTER each stud

6.11 MB