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합계 294702 다운로드 버전

CRNA Connect is an online medical community, exclusively for Nurse Anesthetists. Welcome to CRNA Connect, a Skipta Community for Android. CRNA Connect

4.52 MB

Set any number of x-y points on a coordinate plane. Using our powerful math engine and Lagrange polynomials, the math app G2F will instantly plot an e

21.53 MB

Free questions to try before you buy! Anesthesiology QA Review Multiple Choice Question Review Includes: - Multiple choice fact, scenario and case-bas

15.97 MB

Consultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Infertility specialist at Ramaben Hospital Navsari, India This app allows you to contact, schedule appointm

8.4 MB

Based on print ed. and includes interactive algorithms, useful formulas, patient notes, top ten work-ups, common calls and complaints, key points on m

6.93 MB
Mouth Cancer 0.0.1

This Mouth Cancer app have complete information of disease. Mouth Cancer develops in any part of the mouth. . This app have lot of information of Sign

2.05 MB

Free questions to try before you buy! Nurse Neuroscience (CNRN) Multiple Choice Question Review Includes: - Multiple choice fact, scenario and case-ba

15.97 MB

We are dedicated to providing the highest level of veterinary medicine along with friendly, compassionate service. Please call us at (209)634-5851 if

3.55 MB

Northlake Veterinary Hospital is a full-service veterinary hospital offering a broad spectrum of services. Our hospital offers a full range of veterin

2.58 MB

Η ΠΡΩΤΗ ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΗ ΚΤΗΝΙΑΤΡΕΙΟΥ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ ΚΑΙ ΑΠΟ ΤΙΣ ΠΡΩΤΕΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ !! Kλείστε άμεσα και ξεκούραστα το ραντεβού σας από την φόρμα που θα βρείτε.

1.21 MB
AnimalHealth 4.1.2

We are a full service animal hospital offering pet vaccinations and spaying, neutering services. We provide quality veterinary care throughout the lif

7.25 MB
SmartDose 1.0.1

เตือนการทานยาของคนไข้ ระบุเวลา ขนาด จำนวน และข้อควรระวังสำหรับคนไข้ มีเสียงเตือนเมื่อถังเวลา - ออกแบบสำหรับทำงานร่วมกับระบบซอฟต์แวร์ของบริษัทฯเท่านั้น

1.38 MB

Stress is an inseparable part of human existence. It affects all individuals rich and poor, literate and illiterate, both men and women and young and

15.19 MB

★스트레스를 털어버리는 5분 건강법 만병의 근원인 스트레스! 몸과 마음을 무겁게 하는 스트레스를 시원하게 털어버리고 활력 넘치는 일상으로 돌아오게 하는 '스트레스 해소 체조'를 소개합니다. ★체인지TV의 ‘건강명상” 앱 시리즈로 스마트하게 건강관리 하세요. 체인지TV

28.07 MB

우리 뇌에는 매 순간 뇌파(EEG;Electroencephalogram)가 흘러나오고 있습니다. 뇌파는 뇌신경 사이에 신호가 전달될 때 생기는 전기의 흐름을 말하며 ‘뇌에서 나오는 신호’ 혹은 ‘뇌의 목소리’라고도 합니다. 본 앱은 이러한 뇌파를 유도해 집중력 향상,

24.37 MB

□ [Color to relieve the eye fatigue] - This color is nature similar color. - If you stare about 3 minutes you can relieve the eye fatigue. □ [Feel-Goo

1.69 MB

忙しい毎日、ストレスを感じたり、イライラしたりすることはありませんか? そんなあなたの「ココロ」の健康状態を調べてみませんか? あなたの「ココロ」の健康状態(メンタルヘルス)を「心のプロ」であるサイコロ博士が診断してくれるアプリです。 一般的なストレス診断から災害対策としてのメンタルケア、子育てママ

1.88 MB

「眠れない」もう寝床について何時間が経ったのだろうか? もしかして・・・そこの今のあなた「不眠症」じゃないですか? 眠りたくても眠れない日が続くのであればもう立派な「不眠症の仲間入り」です。 不眠症は、一回なると治すのがなかなか難しく長引いてしまうと最悪、「うつ病」になるリスクがある最悪な病気です。

1.75 MB

Why do you need this mobile application? - determining child's PE group; - understanding how much exercise can the child’s heart sustain; - aiding hea

64.37 MB

This Hyponatremia disease app have complete information of disease. A condition that occurs when the level of sodium in the blood is too low. This app

2.15 MB