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합계 294702 다운로드 버전

품격있는 동반자 강동미즈여성병원의 스마트폰 애플리케이션입니다.  여성건강을 위해 환자만족, 정도진료, 명품진료라는 약속을 지키기 위해 한걸음 더 여러분께 다가가겠습니다. [주요 기능] 1. 병원소개 강동미즈 여성병원의 의료진 및 진료안내, 전화번호 등 을확인할수있습니다

7.83 MB

プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「My Schedule」は、第117回日本耳鼻咽喉科学会通常総会・学術講演会用モバイルアプリケーションです。 聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。 [第117回日本耳鼻咽喉科学

21.2 MB

鼎鈞治療團隊陣容(地址:新北市板橋區府中路67號3樓 電話:02-29686878) 1.長庚大學‧中國醫藥大學 中醫、西醫雙修醫師群 2.數十餘年經驗民俗調理師傅 3.漢方保養美容團隊與護理師 @本院宗旨 以中國傳統醫學用藥、針灸、民俗調理為主軸, 引進一系列雷射疼痛治療機器、 邀請民俗調理師傅跨

15.95 MB


3.13 MB

Oxygen is your mobile guide to Home Oxygen therapy. This app is designed to help Pulmonologists, Respiratory Nurses, and physiotherapist understand te

87.77 MB

Safe Residual Pressure is set to 200 psi Oxygen Cylinder Conversion Factors D = 0.16 E = 0.28 G = 2.41 H/K = 3.14 M = 1.56

1.23 MB

Guía de curas caseras es una aplicación diseñada por Laboratorios MEDA Pharma, con el fin de dar consejos prácticos para tratar heridas en la piel de

3.16 MB
Shelf Scan 1.0.0.ss

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new” -Socrates At YouGoTag Technology Solutions, we

7.18 MB

Mascota en Linea, Viirbac es una aplicación con la que podrás dar el seguimiento a la salud de tu mascota, ademas podrás estar en contacto con tu vete

4.16 MB
VisiqueRose 4.0.1

Stay connected, be rewarded and keep up to date the easy way with our brand new mobile app. Make an appointment or an insurance claim in a few easy st

6.04 MB

Smita Trivedi Opticians is a full scope Optometric Practice specialising in Behavioural Optometry, Sports Vision, Vision Therapy and Contact Lenses. W

9.74 MB

This is a dictionary for text prediction for Arabic Language to be used with "Sweet Keyboard (Pro)" app. Note that you *NEED* Arabic font on your phon

254.22 KB
PTN 2015 1.3.0

Bezpłatna aplikacja mobilna PTN 2015, stanowiąca podręczny przewodnik uczestnika XXII Konferencji Naukowo-Szkoleniowej Polskiego Towarzystwa Nefrologi

4.7 MB
ColoplastMD 1.0.2

The Physician Resource for: Men’s Health • Women’s Health ColoplastMD is the resource center for physicians who have specialized in helping patients t

3.55 MB

Aplicatia permite trimiterea automata de SMS-uri de notificare catre pacienti si poate fi utilizata doar cu SPS Stoma pentru desktop.

1.39 MB
Wound App 1.0

Download the Smith & Nephew wound management app to browse our advanced wound management, negative pressure wound therapy and skin care product catalo

5.63 MB

Free questions to try before you buy! Nurse Wound Care (CWCN) Multiple Choice Question Review Includes: - Multiple choice fact, scenario and case-base

15.97 MB

This app was created to assist the person caring for a person with dementia (PWD). It contains the most common behavioral expressions by the PWD, poss

10.38 MB

The Medication Monitor App helps you to get an overview over your medication and your condition related to e. g. atopic eczema or psoriasis. You can e

1.57 MB
Scorad 3.0

Scorad is a validated composite score which allows the physician to assess the severity of the patient’s eczema. An assessment score helps the physici

39.8 MB