홈페이지 > 애플 리케이션

종류 : 뜨거운 업데이트 다운로드
합계 294712 다운로드 버전

This is a checklist for phenom 100 to add more realism to your simulator. You can validate a task just by touching it and we use an intuitive interfac

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CPF Robotics 1.00.2004

Main Functions: • Remote Control - Remote Control Arduino Braccio Robotic Arm via Acer Cloud • Code Editing - Use JavaScript to change servos behavior

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CloudProfessor 2.03.2001

Acer CloudProfessor (CPF) is a “Plug, Play, Code, Make” starter kit for creators, makers, and innovators of all ages. Each CloudProfessor IoT Starter

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Our aim is to provide speed browsing with simple and user friendly features of internet browser for your android phones. The browser contains only im

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Simple Browser is browser designed mainly for older devices.+ fast+ small+ easy to control - no flash support- not desinged for tablets

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Música en México es una asociación sin fines de lucro que tiene la misión de promover la música clásica – y la música nueva – en México, y de dar a co

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1. 收录全本的TXT小说 2. 小说下载后离线观看,节省您的流量 3. 自动添加书签,记录您每次阅读位置 4. 手势可以缩放字体大小 5、有最新、最热的网络小说,还有经典、完结的作品:狼图腾,莽荒纪,大主宰,完美世界等

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Play Mate 1.07

**** Play Mate **** Play Mate is a free tool that assists actors in memorizing their lines. Put your Play's text in the app using various method and g

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Aplicación para que los niños de todas las edades, desde los 12 meses hasta los 65 años, aprendan ingles fácilmente divirtiéndose a través de cancione

4.79 MB

***本APP須搭配106學年度PC版影片分段測驗編輯程式使用*** 課堂播放影片,學生容易精神渙散嗎? 康軒影片分段測驗程式,在影片中插入題目,觀賞影片立刻變成搶答活動,多媒體教學更有趣。 上課無須攜帶電腦,直接在手機上就能進行教學。 還有畫記功能,標註影片重點更好用喔!

35.08 MB

「桃園國際動漫大展」邁入第五屆,2016年以「夢想的領航員」為主題,讓臺灣的動漫夢想由桃園起飛迎向世界;讓世界看見臺灣的創作能量與熊熊熱情! 為將桃園打造成凝聚巨大能量的國際動漫城市,本屆特邀請臺灣、日本、美國、香港、馬來西亞的優秀漫畫作品及作者參展,是桃園首次五國漫畫聯展,現場並規劃實境遊戲體驗、

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熱量100 1.37

◎ 特色:創新的 100 大卡法 營養師秘傳!顛覆過去查詢卡路里的麻煩、困難、混亂,熱量 100 全新貼心設計,直接顯示「100 大卡」的各種食物份量是多少,讓您快速掌握熱量區間,減肥也能安心吃美食,成功戰勝體重、體脂肪! ◎ 特色:iFit 原創可愛插圖 超可愛的手繪插圖讓查資料不再冷冰冰~【iF

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Hide Me 1.3

The app will hide your current location and any apps on your phone, websites or services will found that you are in Rome, London, Japan, Australia, It

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Multi Messenger for WhatsApp - Dual WhatsApp Account on 1 device Run 2 WhatsApp account in 1 device! Multi WhatsApp. Multiple WhatsApp account in one

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Schoolz Math adalah aplikasi alarm ringan untuk membantu siswa menjadwalkan kegiatan malam dan pagi agar tidak terlambat berangkat ke sekolah. Schedul

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Un prode para que puedas competir con tus amigos pronosticando los resultados de los partidos que se juegan en esta nueva edición de la Copa América.

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- Follow your favorite team, receive free push notifications when a goal is scored, a match starts or ends - Previous seasons are available. Check the

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ADN River 1.21

Who we are We are a group of journalists, supporters and partners of River grouped to transfer people everything the World River generates both day an

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Todo lo que querés saber del millonario, acá lo encontrás. Descargate la aplicación móvil de Pasión Monumental y enterate de todas las novedades del m

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The Appen Mobile Recorder (AMR) is a digital recording app designed and developed by Appen to be used for speech recordings. • You will not be able to

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